
How do I subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter?

In your customer space, under "My Personal Information" >click<

At the bottom of the page, tick the box if you do not wish to receive the newsletter.

Is my personal information kept confidential?

The Easy-Gliss team is committed to safeguarding your privacy, and supports a general policy of openness about how we collect and use your personal information. (In accordance with Act n°°78-17 of 6 January 1978 modified, known as the « Data Protection Act».)

Our customer files are entirely confidential and belong exclusively to Easy-Gliss.

The Easy-Gliss customer files have been legally deposited under CNIL under the number 2099981.

How to contact Easy-gliss? 

By telephone on 09 81 37 48 13

By mail: contact@easy-gliss.fr // or by >clicking here<

In writing: EASYGLISS 1 Bis rue Edouard Belin 25000 BESANCON France